Iteration #5: Really trying to nail down the shadow a little better. Other than that, not too many more tweaks. I did add a little bump texture to the ball to make it look a little more like the original.
Iteration #4: Small tweaks. Key light brought down and the right side wall is less sourcey. Now the key light might need to fall off a little more gradually...
Iteration #3:
Fixed the back wall, but it seemed to dark. Brought it up with a really low ambient, don't know if I like it or not. Both images are below.
with ambient |
without ambient |
Iteration #2:
Solved the black edge problem. Starting to get closer! The back wall seems to be slightly too light in the corner, possibly along the entire bottom edge. The foreground walls could probably come up a little too.
Original Image vs. Current Image:
The background is too dark, and the ball shadows are too light. The bounce should be reduced. The shadow is more intense underneath the ball, and it fades off faster. The overall color of the light could be bluer/cooler too.
Here is a breakdown of my lights and where I'm at so far.
Key |
Fill |
Rim |
BG Fill, Cool |
BG Fill, Warm |
Overall Fill |
Bounce onto ball and floor |
Intensified Shadow |
Overall, I think its looking pretty good. I thin there's something weird with the shader- it seems like there's a black line around the outside of the ball. I think the right side wall is a little sourcy too.
Setup: For the racquet ball assignment, I decided to use a spare box with
the inside covered in white card stock as the stage for my racquet
ball. This way, it would be portable and the primary light source more
controllable. I got a clip-on reading light with a flexible neck so
that I could position it wherever I wanted. In order to soften up the
shadow, I use a make-shift lampshade and a piece of paper towel to
diffuse the light. The reading lamp has an LED, so the overall light is
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